At 04:02 PM 12/17/1998 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Randy Drew wrote:
>> Jack Hilton III wrote:
>> >
>> > Don't some places use a type of fertilizer instead of salt or sand ? I
>> > heard that the breakdown of the fertilizer produces heat as a by-product
>> > and that helps to melt the ice as well .
>> Not in Toronto. Salt keeps our automobile industry and rust proofing
>> shops in business. though what you suggest sounds more environmentally
>> friendly. =)
> Hmmmm, I just thought of something. Anyone know what happens when
>you mix diesel fuel and fertilizer? =) That'll melt lots of snow! ;-)
> If I recall correctly (and I probably don't) I think thats what
>they used in the Oklahoma City bombing.
Yep , that was our friend , Mr. Amonia Nitrate
Ya mix it with Deisel
> I can just picture an 18-wheeler driving along with a leaky gas
>tank; or how about a fuel oil or diesel spill on a freshly fertilized
>freeway? Yikes! :-)
> Must be a different type of fertilizer?
> -Jon-
Blech ! You ever seen diesel spilled onto a wet road ? Makes it turn as
slick as ice , even in summer . Very oily .
Jack Hilton
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