Ok well I did my first oil change after adding:
-Oil Tite Magnetic Oil Drain Plug(#65203)......$4
-MagnaStrap Magnetic Oil Filter Strap..........$10
I wanted to see if these products actually collected the metal particles
that "float" around in the oil. I insalled these items at the last oil
change which was on 10-23-98, at 95,134 miles. At this oil change(12-18-98),
I have 98,105 miles. This magnetic plug came with a very cheap looking
plastic gasket which I replaced with a rubber one. The one thing I didnt
like from the beginning was that fact that this plug doesn't really "lock"
into place when tightened, like the factory one does, so thread stripping
was a concern. There was never any oil leakage found at the plug, so getting
a tight seal wasnt a true problem.
At this oil change I noted very little metal buildup on the magetic rod
that sticks up out of the threads, but there was some there. Then I was
rather relieved.....I noticed when cleaning the magnetic rod off, it simply
pulled out of the thread case, I am very thankful it never got loosened and
decided to take a trip into my engine. So, I put the factory plug back on
at this oil change, being not very pleased with this product.
Next I decided that look inside the oil filter to determine if the filter
strap did any good. This was a rather messy ordeal. Let me first say that
these magnets, there are two of them on this strap, are extremely powerful.
They are only 1/4 inch thick and maybe 1/2 inch long, but for the size,
I aws very impressed with the power of them. However, I was not at all
impressed with what I found inside the oil filter where the magnets were...
NOTHING....not any metal shavings could be found. So I did not put the strap
back on at this oil change.
If anyone if interested in trying these products out, email me privately
and I will send you them to you, since they are not going back on my Dakota.
Hope this info was helpful,
93 Dakota V6 4x4
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