>>>Kind of hard to describe the
sound...not really like jangling of a keychain,
but maybe jangling of...chains...is the closest thing i can think of.
ideas or recommendations?<<<<
last time I got that kind of noise, it was a peice of my starter bouncing
around inside my bellhousing... right before I dropped my starter on I95.
Does it do it at idle? Is it an occasional tihing or a steady nuisance? I
may be able to help =)
-mike d.
88, V6, LE, 3.55, Slush-o-matic, many mods.
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Pit/1133">
<a href="mailto:miggitymike@juno.com">
"Horn's broken, watch for finger" =)
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