Has anyone else's Dak done this before? I've a 1993 V6 CC 5 speed w/ 145K.
Two weeks ago I moved and made about 6 runs back and forth 30 mile trips
each. The land is relatively flat, speed limit 40-55 mph. Outside temp was
about 70 degrees. Highway travel. On each trip I had at least 500 lbs of
not very aerodynamic furniture, either in the bed or on the 600lb trailer I
had on at all times. I did the math 4 times afterwards and always it said
that I got 26 miles per gallon. I normally get 19-21 mpg. The only thing I
can figure is I was not accelerating quickly so stuff wouldn't fall out. I
also got a new pair or floor mats, good thick ones and for two days I was
still getting used to the added height.
I like 26 miles a gallon but this is the first time I've gotten that much or
near it.
Mike S.
Garret W Lewis wrote:
> My only complaint with my 1997 Dakota 4x4 wth the 318 is the gas
> mileage.
> My experience and talking to others is that the Dakota is not gas
> mileage "friendly".
> Just my 2 cents worth,
> Garret
> - ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Garret:
> Most of us didn't purchase 4,000lb trucks with 230hp V8's because we
> were looking for good gas mileage....I was looking for towing power.
> The Dak gave me 50hp more than my 78 3/4 ton plus a 50% improvement
> in gas mileage. Guess it's all how you look at it.
> If fuel economy is your thing, suggest you trade the Dak for a
> econobox pickup.
> Rob Agnew
> ragnew@islandnet.com
> Victoria, B.C.
> Canada
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> Rob,
> I too was looking for towing power. But, there is good and bad in
> everything.
> I was just saying that the fuel economy was the worst part about my Dak.
> I'm not worried too much about the fuel economy on my truck because that
> is why I have a "commuter car".
> No thanks, I think I'll pass on your econobox pickup suggestion.
> Garret
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