Since spare tire theft is very popular in my area, NW Indiana.......criminals
simply go to the dealerships, Dodge, Chevy, Honda, GMC, etc and buy the crank
down tools from the parts department and go around in parking lots or even in
front of your house and crank down your spare and steal it. Some spares with
rims can be very pricey to replace, these crack heads can sell them for
$50-$100 per spare and rim. If you ever see people driving around and their
spare tire cable is dangling down, they most likely have been robbed.
I went to my local Sam's Club(but many places to carry this) and purchased a
very thick rubber/plastic coated steel cable with loops at each end. I simply
cranked down my spare tire a little bit and weaved the cable up through a
frame brace that is directly above the spare tire and put it through one of
the rim's holes. This cable I would say is about 3/4 inch-1 inch thick, so not
many criminal cary around a blow torch and a bolt cutter will not go through
this. It cost about $15 and I went out and also bought a lifetime warranteed
Master lock, warranteed to open for a lifetime, its got a nice rubber coating
on it. I have had this set up now for 4 years and it has always opened when I
needed it to.
Hope this helps,
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