(no subject)

From: Rekker21@aol.com
Date: Tue Dec 29 1998 - 18:03:52 EST

In a message dated 12/29/98 3:50:53 PM Eastern Standard Time,
pschaeffer@nitsuko.com writes:

<< a few bugs. An interior light that is affected
 by the emergency brake pedal position, a drivers side door that doesn't
 close properly and a whistling sound from underneath, like air through a
 hole in the exhaust somewhere. >>
Paul, have you addressed these concerns with the dealer yet? They should take
care of all that for you especially that dang door. I haven't put any weight
in my Dak for the 4 years that Ive owned it. My dad puts about 200 lbs in his
though during our Michigan winters. I might this year for sure if it gets as
bad as they say!

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