If you can't find a better dealer, Hammer the one you got!
Tell them the truck is a lemon(they hate that word) and you want a refund. If
that doesn't work,
talk to the General Manager, next on the list is the owner. Tell them it is
THIER RESPONSIBILITY to diagnose and repair problems. If that desn't work,
file a complaint with the regional office.
The more you demand the more you will get. Being nice and friendly gets old
quick when your truck
ain't right.
BTW, my truck started out with most of the problems yours has plus others too.
Little by little
I'm getting everything fixed.
Dr. Pat
>From: Phillip Fortney <phil.fortney@amp.com>
>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>Subject: Re: DML: Phillip, Need More data...
>Date: Fri, Jan 15, 1999, 6:59 PM
>Oh, and the dealer is worthless at any diagnosis!!!!!!!!
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