Hey guys,
Check whats up onMopar.net this morning!! I think its working!!
1-22-99 ATTENTION! ATTENTION! We have received
numerous calls from DAKOTA
owners asking about the new performance computer
module. Our Tech Line has
indicated that it will not be available for several
months, however, we want to service
our customers in the best manner possible so here's
what we're doing. We're putting a
list together with names, addresses, phone numbers, &
e-mails of individuals
interested in this computer to PUSH EPA inspection.
If you want to be part of this list,
send us your information via email and we will not
only keep you updated, but get the
inspection past faster. Join hundreds of people with
one voice. And this can only be
done through Mopar.net
Keep posting and calling and emialing!!
Way to go!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Hilton III [mailto:HEMI@charter.net]
Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 9:16 AM
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
Subject: Re: Re[2]: DML: 97+ computers
I just called him and he said that they have 15 or so calls today from
Dakota owners !
He said that there is a post on their web site for us to send in some feed
back .
He asked " Do you have a phone number or an e-mail address for the guy that
posted any info about calling us?"
I was like " Sorry dude , I have no idea."
He did ask for the URL for the DML and I obliged . I think he wants to give
us all some more info and/or tell us to stop calling . hehehe
At 08:27 AM 1/22/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>I just spoke with Eric at Mopar (1-888-MOPAR65) and he says they are taking
>names and addresses of all people who want the computer. He says they are
>couple months away and asked if I had recieved a flyer or something cause
>have been hearing from a lot of people lately. He also said they were
going to
>have a form on their web site (mopar.net) soon where you could fill out the
>pertinent info that would then be submitted to whoever it is that it needs
to be
>submitted to to get these things built. He asked if I knew of anyone else
>was interested (duh), and I told him yeah, probably about 100 people.
>Call them. Now.
>____________________Reply Separator____________________
>Subject: Re: DML: 97+ computers
>Author: dadoctah@worldnet.att.net (Patrick Delgado)
>Date: 1/21/99 6:58 PM
>Sounds fishy to me. How come they give everybody a different excuse. Let's
>just bug the hell out ot them until they cough up the puters. Jam up the
>lines. It's an 800 number, call them from work. I, Patrick Delgado, do
>swear, to call Mopar everyday, until they release them.
>Dr. Pat
>>From: Alan Short <ashort@flash.net>
>>To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
>>Subject: Re: DML: 97+ computers
>>Date: Wed, Jan 20, 1999, 9:19 PM
>>Dkota4by4@aol.com wrote:
>>> The number is 1-888-MOPAR65. I talked to Eric...but I guess anyone
would do.
>>> Russ
>>True to my word, I'm on the phone with Eric at Mopar. So far, I asked
>>for a Comp Computer for my R/T. Ooh, that might be tough he says, hold
>>please. OK.5 min later, Hello? We located the pcm you need but I have to
>>call tech support to see if it'll fit the R/T. Comes back, No we don't
>>have one to fit and if we do it'll take, you guessed it, 6mos. I laugh,
>>I cry. I ask what's the deal? I am in contact with other Dak owners and
>>we WANT this comp. I could sell 20 before dusk. I told him about the
>>News saying the comp was approved and ready for sale. Bottom line is, he
>>can't do anything without a part #. If we can get that, Eric said he'll
>>get us all we can handle. So what about it? Does the person who posted
>>the Mopar news approval of our Comp have a part #? Anyone know any moles
>>at Mopar? I'm gonna call my parts source at the dealership and find out
>>if he knows anything.Alan S.
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>>Subject: Re: DML: 97+ computers
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Jack Hilton III
Black 1998 Dodge Dakota R/T Club Cab
Charter Pipeline......the Next Wave.....
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