Blown out storm conditions and 52 degree water temps here in San Diego CA...
I think the cold weather was delivered to the wrong coast! Wont see 65
degrees until May...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Jennings []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 1:28 PM
To: ''
Subject: DML: RE: Non-Dak ( weather related) attn: Dave Thede
ahhhhh...mid 70s and the water temp is only a few degrees lower.... The
surf was pumpin last weekend so keep sending that 'Cold Weather'
1/26/99 4:32 PM
-----Original Message-----
From: GSWillhite []
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 2:50 PM
Subject: DML: Non-Dak ( weather related) attn: Dave
Hey Dave, you guys at the N.W.S.are doing a great job of keeping
informed about weather situations. Glad your on the DML.
GS -
98 5.2L 5spd
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