I didn't think you gapped the Platinum 4+'s. Do you?
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Subject: DML: Re: RE: MSD 6A - Mileage
Author: flyboy01@worldnet.att.net (Mark Kuzia)
Date: 1/27/99 7:23 PM
I hope you remembered to gap the plugs at .050. That makes a big difference.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mok, Alan (SPB) <AMok@spbank.com>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 7:08 PM
Subject: DML: RE: MSD 6A - Mileage
>This is just a theory...
>Your spark box/wires/plugs helps to burn the mixture BETTER. so there's
>oxygen left for the O2 sensors. Computer thinks less oxygen content in the
>exhaust which means it's too lean and it enriches the mixture by opening
>injectors more. Therefore you're using more gas.
>Far fetched? The mysteries of OBD-II.
>'98 Dakota R/T (JBA shorties, Big K&N;TB & shiftkit soon)
>'89 Mustang GT (347, Griggs GR-40 , Vortech S-trim...)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis Pendleton
> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 2:37 PM
> To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net
> Subject: DML: MSD 6A - Mileage
> I just installed a MSD 6A ignition on my '97 Sport 3.9L and
>my mileage went from
> ~20 to ~16 mpg's! I thought these things were supposed to
>increase your mileage
> not take it away. Acceleration is much smoother and it
>seems to have improved
> my power but...
> I have run 2 tanks of gas thru since the install and kept my
>foot out of it on
> the second tank thinking it was my driving but the mileage
>seems the same
> regardless. I also installed Magnecore's and Platinum 4+'s
>along with the
> ignition but they wouldn't have any thing to do with the
>mileage decrease.
> Anyone seen the same thing?
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