yeah, spotted this old beat up S10 work truck.... I think he did lawn
maintenance or something. He has a bug guard on the front, bad air flow
there, nasty old bug guard. Then, check this out, he leaves his junk in
the bed and keeps the wooden signs on the bed rails as well. He has
these huge wooden signs that kinda make a topper type shell on the bed.
He runs in the mid 14s.... Looked under the hood, didn't notice
anything other than tons o' dirt. Couldn't spot a drop in big block,
juice bottle, or even a supercharger.... Runs dual 2" exhaust, but
couldn't find the hidden killer.... It was definitely a killer in
disguise.... my buddy wanted me to race him, then I saw his first
quarter time..... Ah, no way he would have eaten me alive.... I was
giving my companion Cobras a good run, but the S10 was smoking tons of
1/29/99 11:10 AM
-----Original Message-----
From: Mok, Alan (SPB) []
Sent: Friday, January 29, 1999 10:45 AM
Subject: DML: RE: Re:1/4 times
Watch out for any Ranger that has dual exhaust. They might have
a 5.0L
conversion under the hood. Usually they're the beat-up, older
models with
primer color paint jobs.
Had a few encounters with a few when I used to drive a 5.0L on a
basis. I guess they had something to prove.
'98 Dakota R/T (JBA shorties, Big K&N;TB & shiftkit soon)
'89 Mustang GT (347, Griggs GR-40 , Vortech S-trim...)
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kuzia
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 7:45 PM
Subject: DML: Re:1/4 times
Interesting, last week I raced a V-6 Ranger and
almost lost!
I was behind
him getting on the freeway, I nailed it and
started to pull
past him
quickly. Then I hit 98 mph and I'll be damned if
I could get
it to go faster
than that! The rpm's were only at 3500 in
fourth. I suspect
that the
computer had some kind of "soft" speed limiter
slowing me
down. My truck
feels very strong at low speeds but lays down in
the top
end, I suspect that
the HP SBEC will solve this. Has anyone else
noticed this
99' Dak 5.2L 5-speed 3.92LS
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Short <>
Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 12:21 PM
Subject: DML: RE:Jason 1/4 times
the truck seems to run out of power after the
1/8 mi
, all hooked up, big
>pull through 1st & 2nd then 3rd (wheeze). So
far my mods
have not cured
>this problem. I'm probably putting too much
faith in it,
but I hope the
>Mopar computer will go a long way toward curing
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