RE: Shaker hood -Reply -Reply -Reply

From: Bridges, Bruce (
Date: Wed Feb 03 1999 - 20:26:35 EST

Pure conspiracy started by Reagan. Part of the Iran contra thing I think.
We traded all of the Dak hood designs for cheap drugs (Contact cold
capsules) so that we could undermine the Russians with "Fuzzy heads" and "
that drowsy feeling"...Now you can find the ayatollahs successor crusin the
streets of Bahrain in a 89 dak 6er with a wicked lookin airgrabber hood.
Just a theory...

-----Original Message-----
From: mike d. (Michael Z-Sykes) []
Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 1999 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Shaker hood -Reply -Reply -Reply

>>could it be because it's OLD? We can hardly
get stuff built for new Daks. <<<

maybe, but they've had 13 friggin' years to work on em'!!! Not like it
been around or anything. Realistically, there probably isn't a market for
them, so most companies don't see a reason to risk profit in something
like that. That's what I'm ASSUMIN' anyway... unless it's that whole
conspiracy thing =)

-mike d.

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