Dakota Pictures Page

From: Jon Steiger (stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 17:09:54 EST

   Due to popular demand, ;-) the Dakota pictures page on the DML has been
split up. Hopefully, everyone will be able to load it now. I thought
for a while about what would be the best way to do it, and I finally
settled on frames. You can still see the entire thing all at once
if you don't like frames.

  The URL is the same as before:


  Or just click on "Dakota Pictures" on the DML Home Page.

   If anyone finds anything that I screwed up, lemme know and I'll
try to fix it. :-)



  .--- stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu ----------------------------------------.
  | Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
  | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
  `--------------------------- http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---'

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