Re: License Plates

From: Kevin Rankin (
Date: Tue Feb 16 1999 - 21:55:17 EST

At 10:25 PM 2/15/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>>I wanna get -- TI 3VOM --
>>>Read it backwards for a laugh...Imagine that in your rearview, reading the
>>>correct way (a la ambulance)...=)

>Mind if I steal that Idea? I'm getting new plates next month and I'd like
>to get somthing cool like that...
>93 V8 4x4 3" Lift

Sure, as long as you don't live in New Jersey....=)
First come first serve actually, and I don't have the $$ right now....

Kevin Rankin

"Out of the modem, through the server,
past the router, around the firewall,

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