Re: Home Dyno

From: Jon Steiger (
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 00:58:23 EST

On Tue, 16 Feb 1999, Brucklacher, Brett wrote:

> Interesting take on the in-car dyno:
> Any thoughts, comments? Does this sound like a good setup?


  This would be awesome if it worked! Unfortunately, it doesn't. :-(

Here is my experience with this software so far:

  Sean Meldrum bought it to try on his 1997 Dak, but couldn't
get it to work. He worked with Mike for quite a while in order
to try to resolve the problem. Sean had an MSD ignition installed
at the time, but it didn't work for him with the stock ignition
either. Mike refunded Sean's money since he was unable to figure
out why it wasn't working. Sean lent the software to me so that
I could try it out, and I had the same results. The software
itself appears to work ok, the problem appears to be getting a
decent waveform from the engine. I've compared the waveform from
my Dak (and Sean's) to the one included with the Home Dyno software
(an F-body), and the shape of the waveform for each "spark" is
different. I suspect the software is having a hard time recognizing
when the cylinder is firing.

  There's some hope on the horizon though... Sean wrote to me
recently and sent me the URL to a similar program. The author
of this program wrote it for himself (since he couldn't get Mike's
Home Dyno to work either) and has decided to release it for public
use. Mike's program uses an inductive pickup hooked onto one of the
spark plug wires, whereas this one uses the negative side of the coil.
I haven't had a chance to try the new one out, but I'm hoping to soon.
The best part is that this new software is free. :-) Unfortunately I
don't have the URL on me at the moment, but I'll dig it up and
forward it to the list if anyone is interested.


  .--- ----------------------------------------.
  | Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
  | '96 Dodge Dakota v8 SLT CC (14.58@93.55), '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
  `--------------------------- ---'

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