
From: Alan Short (ashort@flash.net)
Date: Sat Feb 20 1999 - 23:31:28 EST

I have used a G-Tech before and it's a pretty neat gadget. It has to be
used on a relatively flat unchanging grade to be truly accurate. It has
a built-in digital level that won't even start the "race" sequence until
it is on zero. Also the unit must be lined up with the centerline of the
vehicle to be accurate. Hang it, then get outside in front and check it.
I didn't think it was all that accurate, but I think the guy I borrowed
it from must have left it in his windshield like a radar detector for a
while and warped it's flimsy little rubber mount. Even at level and
center, it still looked crooked. With my 14.3/14.2 setup it only
registered a 14.9/15.0. But it is consistent. Once you set it up, you
can get 2 or 3 solid baseline #'s, all very close. Do a mod. Then get 2
or 3 real #'s to compare to. I like it. 0-60 times. 1/4 mi/speed. hp.
all kinds of stuff for 129-139.00. 2 thumbs up. Alan S.

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