Yeah! I would too! I hate it when cops do that! Punks! But when we break
the speed limit, it is the end of the world! I wonder where his fire was?
If cops weren't a**holes when we speed and gave more breaks to speeders,
then I wouldn't care so much, but when they stop you, they don't give a
Carlos Medina
San Antonio,TX
>Second , he was also breaking the law by following too closely , MUCH too
>closely .
>And finally , what about all this talk about "Road Rage" ? This guy was
>either going to have a fit of it , or was about to cause another driver to
>have it !
>So I get home and just now , I have called the Internal Affairs Division at
>the Henry County Police Department .
>I explained to the officer what happened and although he tried to give
>possible explanations as to why the officer did what he did , he also
>admitted that he made an error in judgement.......DUH!
>So he has invited me to stop by and lodge a formal complaint to be
>investigated by Internal Affairs , which I may or may not do .
>I also called the Henry County Commisioner's office and tore him a new one
>. They will also look into it .
>I also called the office of the Chief of Police of Atlanta City Police
>Department and talked their ears off for a while and made my point known .
>As soon as I get done with this I also plan on calling the Administrative
>offices of the Georgia State Patrol and asking them if a cop from another
>jurisdiction can operate above the law , even when he is not in his
>jurisdiction .
>Oh , did I mention that I wrote down the time , location , and plate number
>from the guy ?
>I wanna make a point with this creep !
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