At 09:07 PM 4/20/99 -0400, you wrote:
>For you guys who ordered your Street Scene roll pan from Traders, does the
>price include painting? If not, how much extra does Traders charge. I need
>to have some minor body work done and was thinking of having the body shop
>paint and install the roll pan at the same time. Is this a good idea?
Let the local guys do it.
I don't know the prices, but since they are already going to match your
paint for some other body work you want done, it probably won't cost very
much at all to have it painted too. Have them paint it before you put it
on, that way they won't have to charge you for the work it takes to mask
off around it.
Also, Traders paint WILL not match your paint as well as what the local
guys can.
// | | \\ Mike Meyerhoff
{ }|| | | ||{ }
[=============] 92 Dakota SLE Club Cab
|} D O D G E {| Magnum 3.9l V6 4X2 3.55
[|=============|] K&N filter, cat-back duals/highflo cat
[_] 0 0 [_]
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