Well, I have no idea about all that, but in my ram there is this neat
little shelf in the glove box, where I mounted my F/A ratio gauge. I
didnt want more junk cluttering up the dash so if I want to see it I open
On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, David Henry wrote:
> I've got the wonderful "your guess is as good as mine, but it's in the
> middle so it can't be too bad" gauges with no numbers on also. Is there an
> easy way to swap out one with numbers that would be calibrated correctly?
> Don't really have room for more gauges anyway.
> What I was thinking would be a really cool solution is a temp gauge in the
> diffs, trans, oil, and radiator hooked up to an LCD that would digitally
> scroll all the info for each function. If it were hooked to a
> microprocessor with memory it could learn what a "normal" range for each is
> and do a beep / flash to alert you if something looks funny, i.e. way to
> high. Too many ideas, to little time.
> David Henry '94 CC 4x4 318 5Spd in MI
> > Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:28:07 -0400
> > From: "Wisotzkey, Rich" <Rich.Wisotzkey@gsc.gte.com>
> > Subject: DML: RE: Perma Cool
> >
> > Bill,
> > Are you going to mount it the same way with the ties through the
> radiator,
> > or are you going to devise a different method? Also, you must have a
> real
> > temp gauge in your truck. My '96 DAK has an idiot gauge; a gauge without
> > any numbers on it. Slightly better than an idiot light.
> > Rich - Ashburn, VA
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