Extra connections hanging in front fenders

From: Rob Agnew (ragnew@islandnet.com)
Date: Tue May 11 1999 - 15:20:17 EDT

Date: Tue, 11 May 1999 14:39:43 -0600
From: Ryan Krokosinski <ryan@equinoxfinancial.com>
Subject: DML: Extra connections hanging in front fenders

Someone else on here also noticed that there are extra connectors
inside the fenders on the 97+ daks. I just got my service manual
last night and was browsing through it and found out what they
are for. It seems that they are front wheel speed sensors... I
guess for the 4X4's.
Just wanted to clear that up for whomever it was that was

Ryan K
'99 R/T RC


More likely for 4 wheel ABS.

Rob Agnew
Victoria, B.C.

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