Re: 180 thermo

Date: Wed May 12 1999 - 00:21:13 EDT

In a message dated 99-05-12 00:15:10 EDT, you write:

<< yes and no. it really won't do that much for you. your engine
 is gonna be hot with or without the thermostat.. a lil less with a 180
 degree stat, but with weather in kansas averaging 60 this past month, the
 therrmostat has proven to offer me NO power advantage, i betcha it's
 in open loop because it doesn't reach the right temp.. it's 10 bucks for
 the gasket, gasket sealer, themostat, but it's a real @#%$% to install.
 can't find a harder location to place the darn thing. >>

When I put my new tstat in about 2 months ago, it took me only 10-15 minutes
and about 1/2 gallon(if that) of antifreeze. Not hard at all. I replaced the
195 with a 195, since my temp guage needle, once warmed up, has always been
at and never over 1/8 of the way up on the guage. No matter how hot it is
out or what I am pulling, for 104,000 miles, my Dak has always ran very cool.
I didnt want to chance running in loop like you said with the 180 tstat nor
did I really want to.
93 Dakota 4x4 V6

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