Since this is such a controversy, perhaps it is because there IS no clear
winner. Six of one, half-dozen of another. They each excel at different
jobs. When it comes to ultimate speed and quickness, there are too many
other variables out there. If you could equalize all of those variables,
you still have the tremendous variability of the driver. Granted, autos
tend to reduce the variability of the driver, which is one reason they are
popular in match racing.
However, you will never be able to 'equalize' all other variables. Even
different weather/track conditions may give one tranny an edge over the
other. Plus, it's practically impossible to build two engines exactly
alike. They can have equal specs across the board, but for some reason, one
block may just be 'settled in' better than another.
The difficulty of equalizing variables it whats makes "Bench Racing" so
popular and fascinating.
-- '92 Dak CC 2wd 318 3.55 '84 GoldWing Interstate
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