Today a friend of mine told me he knew of someone that had a 1997 Ram
2500 4x4 that got rolled. It has a 360 w/ a manual that still runs
perfectly. I heard the engine run this evening, but was unable to talk
to the owner directly. Engine has ~32K miles on it, and has had
synthetic last 20K. Owner bought truck back from insurance (the totalled
it) very cheap hoping to be able to restor it back himself. He was wrong
and is going to buy a new truck now (not a straight panel on the
thing-nothing). What would be a good price for this engine (throttle
body to oil pan including accesories)? Owner doesn't know and neither do
I. I said I would ask around and he said he would too, to come up w/ a
fair price. If the motor is bad for some reason he is 100% willing to
buy back. He said he stalled it just before the roll so it didn't run
upside down. Anyone see any problems putting it into my truck (98 2wd
318 5spd.)? This will be for future use, but I can never pass up a good
deal. Will be talking to him directly Wednesday.
Erich (hoping to have a 360 soon)
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