Re: Spare Locks?

From: Christopher Reck (
Date: Sat May 22 1999 - 11:51:02 EDT

I got the Mopar lock and it is held in by a cotter (sp) pin in the back.
They give you the key which goes into the new pipe and then the lug wrench
attaches to that. When the Spare is completely up, I see no way that you
can get at the cable to cut it; from any angle. Can you clarify how they
can cut it?

'99 Dakota Sport + CC 4x4 Amethyst

-----Original Message-----
From: |< R |> <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, May 20, 1999 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Spare Locks?

Date sent: Thu, 20 May 1999 13:21:46 -0500
From: Brian Duncan <>
Subject: DML: Spare Locks?
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> Speaking of spare locks...
> What do you guys see as the best way or best product to lock down the
> spare?
> TIA!
> --
> Brian D.

DON'T get the one that replaces or locks out the winch. The cable
can still be cut, defeating that lock. Mopar makes one that goes
through the lug hole in the wheel, then camlocks into the winch
bracket. A lock slides on the other end. It is made out of the same
type/size steel that bike U-locks are made of. If the cable is cut or
winched down, the wheel still stays put. Sorry I don't have a part
number handy.

|{eith R. Phelps
krp at netnitco dot net

Cat..... the other white meat.

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