Haven't you ever heard the term, "Don't kill the messenger"?! Effectively
that's what police are when they right you up a ticket for speeding, tinting,
DWI, etc... The message they are carrying is from your elected officials that
passed laws through state and federal legislatures. To rail against the police
like this is absurd!
Sure there are a few bad "cops" out there that exercise bad judgment, got a
chip on their shoulder or are just plain power crazed jerks... In my
experience the bad apples are few and far between, fortunately. Moreover, if
you find a bad one --don't whine about it!-- make some phone calls and write
some letters. If you present your case clearly and reasonably you will be
taken seriously.
I agree with anyone that's wants fewer laws on the books and get back to TAKING
RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS! Unfortunately, today's society prefers to
play the blame game. Like being a clumsy idiot and spilling coffee on
yourself, suing the people that sold it to you and winning?????!!!! WTF!
If you don't like the laws, get on the phone with your Rep's and tell 'em...
Find a group that thinks like you and rally some support! Just don't blame the
messenger for laws that "we" allowed to be passed and stay on the books.
My $.02
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Subject: Re: DML: Re: RE: WAS: Not My Day NOW: TINT
Author: <dakota-truck@buffnet.net> at smtpout
Date: 5/27/99 1:46 AM
I understand that, but you don't HAVE to pull us over. What is the reasoning
behind it anyway, someone could have a gun and you can't see? Well why stop
there, let's outlaw pockets on pants, they could conceal a deadly weapon
that a cop can't see until he gets up on the person. And let's make window
shades on houses illegal too. People could have a sniper gun pointed at the
cop as he enters their yard through the window, and he can't see it cause of
those horrible WINDOW SHADES!!!! The cops are there to serve and protect
citizens, no more, no less. They are paid to take certain risks and do
certain jobs. People don't bend to make the laws work, the laws are there to
serve the people and change to work for them. If a cop doesn't want to take
that risk, go be a dentist. This isn't personal to you or any other cop, but
most cops and the way laws work in this country piss me off. This country is
going to hell because everybody has to have the government their to spoon
feed them 24 hours a day. The people are the government, this country lost
that principle long ago. Uncle Sam needs to butt out of citizens lives just
a bit, maybe then we won't have a debt because we won't have to pay idiots
to think up, write, and enforce idiotic laws. Sorry about the length, but I
get a little short tempered sometimes. I think I mashed a hole in my
Aaron C.
P.S. I have mine windows tinted "illegally" and I'll keep it that way no matter
how many times I get pulled over. Think about it, we are criminals and have to
pay fines because somebody can't see into our vehicle. IF I WANTED YOU TO SEE
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