E-RAM this idea

From: Tim (magnum318@bewellnet.com)
Date: Thu Jun 10 1999 - 00:48:27 EDT

From:Tim Roller>magnum318@bewellnet.com

 I looked at the video of this so-called supercharger and it reminded me a
lot of the radio-controlled motors that are used for model jets,but in an
electric version. My idea would be to take a RC model jet induction
glow-fuel motor and fan unit(about $400 or more depending on size) and
having it incorporated into the truck air tube and wire it up that when you
give the truck gas, the model motor speeds up and when you let up the motor
slows down being hooked up to the TB. These little motors rev up to 25K rpms
and can put out up to 20lbs of torque,which in turn will put that e-ram
charger to shame.---Of course you will get some funny looks with the noise
they put out--you can put a muffler on them also

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