Re: off topic posts

From: GS- (
Date: Wed Jun 16 1999 - 09:13:08 EDT

We have all strayed from the light brother...Focus
on light of Dak content and be ye saved from a
humiliating SPANK and persecution!! HALLELUJAH!!! :)

Where are ya PREACH when we need ya!

GS -

98 5.2L 5spd wrote:
> a lot of us on the DML are guilty of talking about other subjects
> besides Dakota trucks. You can look at any other News feed/group/digest
> and you'll find the same thing. Even the Offroad Digest I also subscribe
> to has the occasional off-topic post(s). If someone wants to install a MP3
> player in his Dakota truck, what's the problem? Someone has some problems
> with their computer at home...who reads the DML...again, off-topic, but
> related.
> I agree (and am guilty of off-topic posts as well), we should all keep them
> as closely related to Dakota's as we can...but occasionally we will all
> slip just a little. It just keeps us all chatting....ya never know,
> something good might come out of it.
> My apologies to whoever may be pissed for my posts.

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