RE: Subject: SuperCharger Questions

From: akm (
Date: Tue Jun 22 1999 - 16:41:55 EDT

The major obstacle to extract all the extra Hp and retain good drivability
is the computer. You will need some custom programming/chip to get the most
out of it.

I think either a roots or whipple charger's powerband characteristics would
compliment a street driven truck the most. Boost is usually at max by
2500rpm. If you're after ETs than you might benefit more from a centrifugal
blower such as Vortech where more rpm = more boost.

'98 Dakota R/T
'89 Mustang GT (347,Vortech S-trim, intercooler, Griggs GR-40, ...)

Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 11:10:53 -0500
From: Brian Duncan <>
Subject: DML: SuperCharger Questions

First off, I know superchargers cost $$$. But with that not being a
factor, what is your opinion on the best supercharger for my Dakota? I
checked out Vortech's web site and read that their superchargers are
designed for stock applications. Would the few mods I've made so far
prevent me from using a supercharger to it's full extent?

Feedback please? TIA.
- --
Brian D.

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