I wonder why they show an R/T pulling a heavy boat in
the brochure then? What's next, a brochure on the 300
M showing one of them pulling a 5th wheel camper? I'll
bet that would sell an ass load of cars!
--- SuperNagz@aol.com wrote:
> Don't quote me on this, as I am unsure... but from
> what I overhear, I believe
> it has to do with the suspension of the R/T.
> (Probaly due to the lowering, and more performance
> oriented suspension setup,
> rather than a truck-like setup)
black '97 Sport RC
318 5-speed 3.55 SG
Street Scene pan and hitch
DJM 3-5 drop with Toxic nitro's
Flowmaster 2-chamber muffler
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