Re: RE: RE: not roadrage (non Dak)

From: Peter L Anthony (
Date: Sun Jul 11 1999 - 02:14:08 EDT

Or, you could drop the hammer andsee who wusses out first,
 of course that's how I got embarrassed by a toyota tercel (no speed
limiter) when my truck stopped going any faster at 105 and he just walked
past me at 100 ? Go Figure, My dak's got twice the HP and cost twice as much
but he took me anyhow? Damn!!!
oh well,

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Baltzer <>
To: '' <>
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 1:33 AM
Subject: DML: RE: RE: not roadrage (non Dak)

>Ah yes, the road god who's judgement is supreme: "I don't have to pull over
>since I'm speeding anyway and the rate I'm doing is plenty fast enough for
>you". Doesn't matter how fast you're going, the left lane is for the
>"faster" traffic. If you can move right, then you should and let the guy by
>rather than making him/her "find a way around". Idiots parked in the left
>lane are what cause the cutting in and out as people try to "find a way
>around". I'm not saying that you have to slow down to get into the right
>lane to let the guy by, but if its open and you can continue at your same
>rate of speed then you should move over and let the faster guy through, not
>block him and be ignorant about the whole thing...
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> []On Behalf Of Patrick and
>> Kelly Engram
>> Sent: Saturday, July 10, 1999 9:28 PM
>> To: DML
>> Subject: DML: not roadrage
>> "These are examples of road rage guys.Tailgating is one thing but if
>> it is being done in the fast lane then you need to step aside
>> and let them pass. I tailgate too(among other moves)when someone
>> is dawdling along in the fast lane."
>> -The tailgaitin' idiot is the road rage. This is the reaction to road
>> rage. Someone does something that scares the BeJesus outof 'em and
>> maybe it makes them think and drive like a sane person. It's stupid to
>> tailgate someone who's already doing 80 mph. If you want to go faster,
>> find your own way around. I figure that if I'm already breaking the law
>> going 15+mph over the limit, then I aint pullin' over for someone who
>> wants to do 90. If I want to do the speed limit, then I'm in the right
>> lane.
>> Patrick

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