A future Dak owner?????

From: The Man From Utopia (tmfu@home.com)
Date: Tue Jul 13 1999 - 22:28:47 EDT

Boy pilots toy truck along highway

FAIRFIELD, Ohio (AP) - A 6-year-old boy who slipped away from his day care
center managed to hot-wire a toy vehicle and drive it for a mile along a
bustling state highway, authorities said. An alarmed motorist called police
to say she was stunned to see little John T. Carpenter piloting the toy
alongside regular-sized vehicles just outside Cincinnati. Authorities said
they were investigating how the boy got away from Kiddie Kampus Pre-School
and Day Care Center Friday. Police said his disappearance went undetected
until officers contacted the center more than an hour later. The boy
apparently wandered away from the center, then came upon a mini Monster
truck-type toy parked outside ReRuns for Wee Ones, a children's resale shop.

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