At 02:03 PM 7/28/99 , you wrote:
>If you actually cared, you would be riding a horse. Seems to me reguardless
>of what you have on a vehicle its still poluting the air. So as I always
>say, don't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
So let me get this straight, unless you give up your vehicle and ride a
horse you don't really care about the environment, huh? Gee, I didn't know
that. Guess I don't really care then since I ride about 175 horses and they
all breathe and fart through the emission control devices that cane with my
Dak. Obviously any vehicle is going to pollute to some degree. But I'm in a
completely different glass house from those who want to pull off all their
emission devices without caring how their actions affect others.
?And opinions are
>like assholes.... every asshole has one.
If you're trying to call me an asshole you didn't do a very good job.
You're supposed to come right out and say, "Hey, Mike! I think you're an
asshole for not agreeing with me!" Much more to the point.
Mike Crumley 97 V6 Auto
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1969: 3 days of peace, love and understanding;
1999: 3 days of pay-per-view for $89.95
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