Missing F & B TB's - Stage 2's on hold?

From: David Rench (renchd@krause.com)
Date: Thu Aug 05 1999 - 18:05:48 EDT

Bob wrote:
>Dak content - Where is my hairless, Stage 2 throttle body???
That may be the problem. I'm not sure if any Stage 2's have shipped. I
believe that Frank had some concerns with the performance of the Stage 2
mods and was trying to find the cause. Maybe he can update us. I am on the
Stage 2 list as well, but I'm not in a big rush because I've got the Stage 1
and I really don't have the mods for Stage 2, I just jumped on the list when
the Bruce announced that they were going to stop taking orders. I'd rather
let Frank and others get the TB's optimized than rush it. Maybe you can be
on the testing team.......what do you say Frank? Bob needs his horsepower

Dave Rench

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