Re: Home-brew FIPK...want help

From: Bob Tom (
Date: Tue Aug 10 1999 - 09:02:38 EDT

At 11:48 PM 8/9/99 -0400, you wrote:
>I have an 89-with the stock air filter in the box directly on top
>of the TB. My dad has a 98 which has a small box on the TB and a flat
>filter nearer to where the air comes in.
>Anyways, I want to make my own FIPK style air kit.

>1. Will I notice a big difference in mounting an open 14x3 as
> opposed to the FIPK way of the cone filter

You will certainly hear the difference. Some claim the open is better
than the cone, and vice versa. Most claims that I've seen are subjective
in nature...very little real world track numbers.

>2. If I do the FIPK, I will need a new smaller airbox, right?
> Where do I get one? ...I will see if my dads fits

Check to see if K&N puts one out for your year.

>3. Has anyone tried to do a dual hose/filter set-up?
> [snip]
> If I do this, where can I get a dual opening airbox?

There was a DMLer that installed a dual ram air box about a year ago.
Check the DML archives ... should be a extensive installation description
(not a straight bolt on) and part numbers as well.

The web site for the unit is:

Hope this helps.

Burlington, Ontario

'97 CC Sport, 5.2L, 3.55, auto., 4x2, flame red

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