if i remember right a lot of cars and trucks are set up to have the
matinence requiered light come on just befor its out of miles on the
warrenty the problem is finding the reset button they usualy hide it in or
around the dash somewhere or maby glovebox and usualy all that is involved
in reseting it is holding the button down with a pen or something of that
nature for a few seconds if this is the case then you will problebly have to
do it again in the same amount of miles you have on it now.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bernd D. Ratsch <bernd@texas.net>
To: dakota-truck@buffnet.net <dakota-truck@buffnet.net>
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999 10:49 AM
Subject: Re: DML: check engine light/warrany info
>Not at all.
>At 06:38 AM 08/10/1999 -0700, you wrote:
>>hey guys,
>>i've got a check engine that won't go off on my 97 dak, so it's off to
>>the dealership on monday (barely under factory warranty by like, 300
>>miles hehe). anyway, i wanted to know if my air intake (the quick d
>>one) is going to void my warranty, and if i should put the stock intake
>>back on before i take it in. i've still got it in a box at the house,
>>so i could put most of it on over the weekend (minus the snorkel that i
>>had to saw off). any ideas? thanks.
>>97 dak rc 3.9L quick d
>>Erik Bush
>>"sorry that you feel that way, the only thing there is to say. every
>>silver lining's got a touch of grey.."
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