Re: "Dakota" ammunition

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Fri Aug 13 1999 - 17:08:12 EDT

"High Energy in a Short Action" - Uhhhh...some of the people on the DML
already have "Projectile Trucks" as is. (12 - 13sec trucks!) ;)

At 03:22 PM 08/13/1999 +0500, you wrote:
>I was just over on rec.guns and came across a post listing all of the .30
>rounds. One of them caught my eye and made me smile. Read below and you'll
>see what I mean..... (3rd one from the bottom)
>.30 carbine - WWII design for military carbine
>.300 whisper - can shoot subsonic in modified AR-15
>.30-30 - old and venerable round for lever rifles
>.30 Herrett - good performance in single shot pistol
>.307 Win - Rimed version of .308 for lever action
>.308 Win - Nato standard. Good all around performance
>,30-40 - old military round - not too popular anymore
>.30-06 - old military round - excellent hunting round.
>.300 Win Mag - more energy than .30-06 w/ good accuracy
>.300 Weatherby - more energy than .300 Win Mag.
>.300 Dakota - high energy in a short action
>.300 Remington Ultra. - most energy in a Rem 700 action
>.30-378 - Most energy for .30 in Weatherby action.
>---Mike, near Houston.---
> '93 V8 4X2
>Houston Area DML Meet Page

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