Re: Windsor

From: Bob King (
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 23:07:57 EDT

Frank! I remember the flatness! I also remember strolls to the Prince
Edward Hotel (probably long demolished..we're talking the 60s here) with my
dad. All my family (with the exception of dad) worked for FoMoCo in
Windsor. My grand dad was plant superintendant of that plant (I think it's
closer to Walkerville) back in the 30's-40's. I've been trying to get more
background on him through the archives at the Windsor Public Library. Dad
went to the Dougall Ave. School (also probably gone) as a boy. Sorry guys,
I'm rambling (there's DAK content in here..coming up!)
Get this! I remember excursions to...Bob -Lo Island either on the big
ferries ("Boblo Boat") or on the "Papoose" from Amherstberg (sp). Heard
Bob-Lo bit the dust back in the late 80s..what a shame.
Lastly (DAK content): My dad worked for Chrysler for 28 years in Highland
Park so that I could buy my next DAK for dealer cost plus $50 al a "green
sheet". He was a field sales auditor (corporate) and was greatly disliked
by many a crooked dealer! Man the dirt he would dig up would floor you.
He has been threatened many a time (especially after he would tell a dealer
he owed Chrysler a million or two US$$).
Bob K.
Pennsville, NJ
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Johnson <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 11:26 PM
Subject: DML: Windsor

>Well Bob, you should come back to visit your roots, nice casino to drop a
>bunch of cash at. And you can't beat the flatness of Essex County. :)
>Frank WJ
>>I live in NJ, But originally from Detriot (my dad is from Windsor; Erie
>>St.& Ouellette (sp)Ave
>>Bob K.
>>Pennsville, NJ
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