I personally think that the new Shaker Hood is a great option out there for the
Daks. This is a great combination of old and new. Now it is time to really
beef up the engines to be able to match the lineage of these hoods!!!
Hats off to Terry DeLong and his crew for their excellent work! Now he just
has to create the Dak hoods for a variety of other scoop options!!
Frank Johnson wrote:
> I have been following this discussion and even put in my opinion that the
> unit should be bigger. My opinion had no bearing on the performance aspect
> but only on the aesthetics (sp?) of the unit on the hood of the Dak.
> And someone mentioned painting a black outline on the hood surrounding the
> opening giving the appearance of being larger. That sounds like it would
> work.
> Ok, done rambling,
> Frank WJ
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