In a message dated 9/20/99 3:17:10 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
<< > ZZZZZZZZZZZZ....huh?....Wha???
>Is it me Folks or are the latest DC commercials pretty boring?
>Every time I see potatoes, red peppers and a red ant, I get the
>urge to turn the channel. I think DC could have been a little more
>creative. FOR INSTANCE, animate 50 old boxie bowtie trucks and give 'em
>a flat black texture and stick that red or intensely (bluetiful)
>R/T or SPORT in the middle and have it drive away from the pack. I
>know this is to dang simple, but it beats the bugs and veggies.
>GS -
Couldn't Agree More. Not only do the comercials bore me, but it makes me
want to disown my Dodge Nameplate. I don't want to be different, jsut
better... Thats what it should say.... Dodge, Better. Oh well Greg
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