RE: Radar Jammers - Kinda long...let's end this thread.

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Thu Sep 30 1999 - 00:13:34 EDT

The "Stealth" plate covers work really well on those. Campbell, CA has
already been using that system for the last 9 years (Photo-Radar) and
they're constantly getting unreadable pictures. They take them from an
angle that can be hidden with design of the plate covers...guess the
officials didn't think about that one. The also make Radar absorbing Bra's
for vehicles which can reduce your chances of a ticket. (Both of those
devices are illegal in some counties/states.)

People used to put Aluminum Foil under the hood and in the trunks of their
cars when Radar was first used to reduce the effectiveness. That worked for
a while until the officials caught on and redesigned the Radar. It's just a
"Us vs. Them" scenario that will go on as long as there are devices that can
trap us. (Computer Security is the same way.)

Don't get me wrong here...if you're speeding, you ARE breaking the law. Do
I speed...not all the time. But all of the devices that aid in preventing
you from getting a ticket, including Radar Detectors (which are banned in
certain counties/states), do only one thing...they REDUCE your chances of
getting a ticket...they don't prevent them 100%.

If you're driving down the road and your, let's say...your Valentine-1 Radar
Detector starts slow down. Did this avoid a
ticket...hopefully yes...but sometimes no. Does my Jammer/Detector do the
same? Yes, it detects, it alerts me, and has saved me from a few speeding
tickets...but I STILL slowed down as a precaution.

I have spoken with several officers in CA over the years (CHP, Santa Clara
County Sheriff's, SJPD, and SVPD) and most of them have Radar Detector in
their personal vehicles. (Three of the listed departments were high school
buddies who went into law enforcement.) One of them also has a jammer...he
also drives a Supercharged 'Vette.

We're Auto-Enthusiasts...we love to drive. But it's not a's a
privilege. So why not protect yourselves a little bit. :)

Hope this takes care of the thread...



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