Hughes engines is one of the premier Mopar engine builders in the country. My
stage I ported heads for the 318 magnum were around $600 including his springs,
retainers, etc... that are much better than the Mopar Performance stuff. They
also have custom ground cams and do intake mods. Dave Hughes is a straight up guy
and he spends a bunch of time to help his customers out personally. It is not
very often you can call a shop and talk to the owner for half an hour or more.
These are good people guys and gals.
Andre Mauboussin wrote:
> Darn. I was JUST about to call these guys up to. I think i need to put a 318
> in the dakota.
> -Dester
> << the price would be a whhhooooolllleee lot. I called hughes about portin'
> my 6ers heads and he told me they wouldn't do it because they've never done
> 6er heads.... told me it wouldn't be worth the hassle for them and that they
> wouldn't be able to make it cost efficient for them or me... it would've been
> and obscene amount of money....
> dammit....
> I will FIND a way tho =) >>
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