Unfortunately, because of the wide-open nature of the internet and the
fact that not everyone has the same fonts or settings, you can't
reliably print the same document identically on any computer just
because it's on the web.
If you make it into a PDF you'll get the same output every time. But
the program to create PDFs (Adobe Acrobat) costs money (Acrobat Reader
is free), unless you know someone who owns the software and can do it
for you.
Hoegen wrote:
> OK guys (and Gals),
> I might need your help here. I posted the DML flyer I talked about (to be
> placed on "would-be" DML members' windshields:
> http://www.kersur.net/~hoegen/dmlflyer.html
> There's a catch though, I can't seem to print it out correctly from the web.
> If any of you ar familiar with how to best set this up so everyone can print
> it out with ease lemme know.
> Obviously I used the already excellent write-up found at our DML site....why
> mess with excellence ;-) I used Publisher 98 to produce this flyer, it took
> only 10min. Unfortunately I had a much moore difficult time saving it to the
> web in a manner which yall could download and print yourself.
> I need to now what file extension is best to save this as and post to the
> web as a link??!!
-- -andyhttp://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/ --- andylevy@bigfoot.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic. ----------------------------------------------------------------
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