With regards to the oil filter, the article recommends that a full-quart oil
filter be installed for all '92-and-up engines. It mentions the Purolator
L30001 which will only fit the two-wheel-drive models. As for the 4x4
owners it suggest they look into using a remote filter setup.
With regards to the spark plug, it mentions that the Magnum engines contains
C-series Champion spark plugs which they say do not offer as wide a
heat-range selection as the popular N-series plugs. They recommend "simply
remove the plug shields and spin in some Ns". The article also states that
"a colder plug at the track would be a definite advantage". "A suggested
starting point would be to use N9YC's at the track and RN11YC's on the
street, with a stock or near-stock engine". The article also states "the
more performance mods your engine has, the colder the plugs should be"
-----Original Message-----
From: kbshadow []
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 3:35 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Sport Truck article
I would sure like to know what it said about Oil filters and spark plugs.
> At 01:38 PM 10/7/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but in the November 1999
> >of Sport Truck, there is an article entitled MO' GO FOR MOPAR Dakota
> >Secrets. In this article it recommends several performance refinements
> >regards to air cleaners, oil filters, spark plugs, exhaust manifolds,
> >rockers, camshafts, tube headers, thermostats, leaf springs, spring
> >and spring-eye bushings. <SNIP>
> Yep. Seems to be the identical article that was in June'99 Mopar Muscle.
> Bob, Burlington, Ontario
> '97 FR CC Sport, 5.2L, 3.55 SG, auto., 15.234 @ 87.26
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