Thats because you were using the wrong synthetic oil. Like anything else,
there are cheap, so so, and best in anything we buy today. Only today it's a
little harder to find the best that really says what it does is true!
> Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 21:19:06 -0700
> From: Dale Blanchard <>
> Subject: Re: DML: Re: DML Synthetic oil changeover
>> > I would like to see those tests that your father had done. There is no way
> I have never worn out any car or motorcycle using Castrol oil, so how
> can I prove they would have lasted longer with Amsoil. But most of my
> cars and trucks were sold at about 200K.
> I am using Castrol Synthetic in my 97 Dakota mostly for cold starts,even
> tho it has been over 110 almost all summer it is not a problem.
> I have seen BMW motorcycle go over 300k with dino oil.
> My ford F-250 has 197000 with castrol GTX. Hope to get it over 200k this
> year.
> I had two cars that I switched to Synthetic and within 6 months they
> were a pile of junk. Both got broadsided. Could be that Syn oil is
> jinxed for me.
> Even though I use it now in 1/2 of my vehicles ,it has not done any
> good.
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