Re: Shake 'n Pop

From: Nate (
Date: Tue Oct 19 1999 - 09:36:20 EDT

I read somewhere recently (can't remember where,
sorry) that this symptom can be caused by a bad
torsion bar mount? Anybody out there second that?

|I am having a problem with my 1999 Dakota. It has
|been to two different
|dealers so far with no success. It is a Club Cab
|Sport 2wd V8 automatic with
|7000 miles. It has suffered this problem since new.
|The wheels seem to shake (felt in the steering) when
|you hit bumps, but even
|worse, there is a LOUD pop that comes from the front
|end when you apply the
|brakes even slightly hard. The pop alternates between
|forward and reverse.
|In other words it will pop braking in reverse, and
|the next time it pops it
|will be when you brake going forward. Then it won't
|pop again until you
|brake in reverse. I know it sounds crazy, but there
|has been times when I
|thought I felt something bump against the underside
|of the foot-well.
|It has had 3 wheel alignments and one dealer found a
|loose Control Arm Bolt.
|Tightening up the control arm bolt made it steer
|better, but did not solve
|either problem.
|Has anyone had a similar problem???? Help, I love my
|truck, but I can't
|tolerate this or spending my life at the Dodge
|Keith Sheeley


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