On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, Preacher wrote:
> Attn: Jon
> *WHEW* I got them today! Thanks a lot.... worth the wait!
> Can't wait to put them on the truck!
Yepper, I breathed a big ol' sigh of relief when I sealed
up your envelope, fer shur! :-) BTW, you can call Guido and
Nunzio to tell 'em they can go home now... ;-)
To those of you who haven't received your decals yet, I
think I've got less than 10 people to send 'em out to still. The
print shop called today to say that they finished cutting ALL
the decals, so if that's true, everyone will either have a
decal, or have one in the mail before the week is out!
.--- stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu ----------------------------------------.
| Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
| '96 Dodge Dakota V8, '96 Suzuki Intruder 1400, '96 Kolb FireFly 447 |
`--------------------------- http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---'
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