Awww...just sit at the light and rev the engine. Makes the truck sound
cool! ;)
- Bernd
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, October 29, 1999 12:23 PM
Subject: Re: DML: Re: ASP Pulley
I don't know how much difference 10 amps would make, probably a lot. you can
run a small stereo system with about 10 amps.. It's up to you. I'm just
advising that it's not a good idea to do it. Everytime I stop at the drive
thru, or get stuck in trafic.
Ding ding. "check engine" ding ding "check engine"
<< I do have the bigger amp alt. Right now, I don't have much as far as a
stereo, that went into my wife's Durango. Since I don't drive the truck
everyday anymore, it was more useful to her. How much of a difference will
the bigger alternator make? I usually just go racing around town in the
truck now. So, not much stop and go stuff, as I am usually out an d about
in the middle of the day when traffic is not so bad.
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