Re: RE: Damn Texans! Vette vs. Viper

Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 03:36:16 EST

In a message dated 11/05/1999 5:55:34 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< ack! 35k is cheap? Are you married?
  I was looking at the Vettes that run around 5k. Some day I might be able
to afford that. >>

LOL im married. hell when you dont have money you know you can afford
anything ( at least in your mind) No what i eant for a viper i think thats
cheap. I mean id spend 35k rather than 75 k i just saw a nice vette going
for 5600. it was way clean and was driven by a old guy. he had ( like me)
every receipt for every thing he got for the dang thing including light bulbs
and misc stuff

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