WOOHOO. . . Headers are here!

From: SmokinDakota (webmaster@smokindakota.com)
Date: Fri Dec 10 1999 - 21:18:40 EST

Well, I came home tonight and found a present on my doorstep. A nice set of
JBA ceramic coated headers. This is a surprise to me, since Justin said I
probably wouldn't get them till the 1st of January. With it being the
holidays and we depleted their supply. But it looks like JBA sent them
directly to me. I have one question. How can you tell if they are ceramic
coated? It says Jet Silver Headers on the invoice, thats the only
distinction I can tell. I will have pics up tonight or tomorrow! Can't wait
to get them on.

Steven 2me
AOL IM = SmknDakTrk
ICQ = 42763370

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