coming from some one who installs alot of these is mostly to get one that is
a brand name (excalibur , viper)try to stay away from the ones that you get
at K mart , auto zone etc.(bull dog, auto command etc.) shop around to some
different acc. shops that have a good rep with the local dealers. if you
realy want to try this yourself just don't use scotch locks for the
connections . let me know if this is something that you realy want to tackle
I can e-mail you a list of wire colors and locations for your vehicle just
remember most kits cost about $100 over the counter and (around here we are
in a price war)$159 installed keyless is a $30 option if you have power
locks $70 if you don't.(any reputable shop can do a dak in about 1-2 hours)
so is it really worth you time and headache?
jon ,
most vehicles have the mounting holes for actuators but no rods or mounting
brackets and it is much more cost efective to put in aftermarket universal
actuators for $15 rather than $xxx for dealer parts
as for the standard shift kits most shops stay away from them but the safest
one that i have seen to date has you leave the truck running set the
e-brake, put it in neutral release the clutch, step on the brake, push the
rem start button, take the key out of the ign.(the truck stays running),
get out close the door and lock it then push the button again(this shuts off
the truck) now it will start with the remote as long as the door has not
been open, you have to do all these things in order also.
95' 318 5spd
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